Getting Naked with Chris Joseph

Getting Naked is an unfolding series of coaching conversations between Chris and some of the top leaders of this world in their respective fields.

Some conversations dive straight into coaching. Others explore the life trajectory of the person first. Either way, what you have before you is a raw unveiling of what it’s like to lead as a high achiever in a human body.

These conversations are not about me, nor are they at a deeper level even about the guest being coached! Listen as if the conversation is about you! Sure, the context of your life will be different to theirs, but look for what isn’t! Listen for distinctions. Listen for insights. Listen for learnings. Listen for YOU!


Christopher Maher

Christopher has a beautiful soul. That is without question. Being a former Navy SEAL and now founder of True Body Intelligence he has the rare combination of both physical and emotional presence and power.

In the first half of the conversation we explore the journey that took him from childhood trauma to becoming a Navy SEAL at the age of 22, and one of the fittest men on the planet with a body fat percentage of just 1.8%! We also explore the wake up call he received when the realisation that fitness does not necessarily equate to health hit home, and the tireless journey of self exploration he has been on ever since, and which he now teaches others from today.

In the second half of the conversation, as per his own words, it gets really interesting, as we explore what’s present for him right now. We touch on a transformational area for Christopher – the shift from his natural tendency to lead from behind to embracing the need to lead from the front if the true benefit and impact of his work in the world is to be felt.



Catherine Hammond

Catherine is a beacon of hope in this world. It cannot be any other way. Her life has called her to be that, firstly for herself in dealing with the multiple traumas she’s experienced, and secondly, now for others, as they look for a guide on their own journey.

In this conversation Catherine lets us in on what it’s like to head up an award winning multi-million dollar law firm, and what it’s like to want to serve even more deeply beyond that. We cover everything from the impact her mother’s threats of suicide had on her as a child, her battle and subsequent passing away from Alzheimer’s, and the way in which her work on hope now honours her mother and her inability to find hope when she most needed it in her life.

This video also captures the importance of staying with your client until you uncover the emotional breakthrough that will set them free. In this case what emerges is her need to get clarity on her vision. From clarity comes commitment to specific action. And so it is. Since recording this video Catherine has gone on to deliver the course we spoke into creation on this call. It’s called “Zero Regrets”. A name that beautifully captures the new found freedom from which she now lives and teaches.


When you start off as a coach transitioning from another career, you quickly realise that there is no manual on how to do it... and this is where Chris comes in
James Nagle | Coach & Former MD at Reckitt Benckiser
In the first six months of working with Chris we’ve experienced the best two months of revenue in our 14-year history

Catherine Hammond | Attorney

Chris’s unique combination of mindfulness, intellectual depth and transformational coaching is a new standard for the coaching profession

Derick Deal | Experience Creator

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